Subtitling and Translation Services

Thanks to our video production company in Malaga, you can amplify your reach with subtitling and translation services. Regardless of whether you have a business video or TV content, your message will expand to new linguistic horizons.

Subtitling and Translation Services in Malaga with Héqate

At Héqate, we have extensive experience in text transcription, subtitling, and translation services of videos for companies and TV and fiction content. We achieve a perfect result in terms of visualization and synchronization with sound, both in our videos and in existing audiovisual aids. Our translators can translate into multiple languages, such as English, German, French, Portuguese, Japanese, Russian, and Korean.


Thanks to translation, different audiences from different countries and with other native languages can understand the message of a video, whether promotional, cultural, fictional, advertising, or corporate. For this reason, translation is used by companies that need to reach a broader multicultural sector.


Within these language services, we work with subtitling. We generate files by embedding the subtitle directly in the video or sending the file in its specific format for later editing. In addition, our team will be responsible for subtitle translation if required by the particular needs of our clients.

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